Fast Video Upload for Facebook is a video uploader. It allows you to upload your videos to Facebook quite quickly. The application's best advantage is that it is very easy to use and configure. Not every application can upload video to your Facebook account. Thus, Fast Video Upload for Facebook has to get your permission and the application has help that guides you through every step necessary to accomplish this. Most of the configuration is done on Facebook. They give you a couple of codes that you need to input on the application's configuration screen. After that is done, the application will have permission to access your account partially. You might want to review that in the privacy page of your account.
The actual operation of the application is very basic. You simply give the video that you want to upload a name, a brief description, and choose the video. Fast Video Upload for Facebook will accept all the video formats supported by Facebook. The upload process is fast, but I don't see a tremendous difference. After the video is uploaded, you still have to wait for Facebook to encode it, which takes a few minutes.